About Bittersweet Woman

Oh, hello darling.

My name is M.J. Smith and I’m a Poetry & Women’s Fiction Author.

Welcome to my world.

I write for the survivors of childhood trauma, and I dream to fill the world with books that empower and inspire bravery in telling our own stories.
My hope is that Bittersweet Woman will encourage individuals to imagine what is possible, explore their self-expression, and foster the artistic process of resiliency, healing, and mental well-being.

I could no longer deny
The journals, the letters
Each word and every experience
The written existence they deserved
Because they were the verity of her story
It was the truth of a bitter woman who found herself
Filled with the chronic aching of emotion
She was once a sweet girl
I journaled her journey
Her discovery of life
The one that had been forgotten
I wanted to capture the child in all her forms
The sensation of her broken memories
How she described the always bittersweet aftertaste…
It seems it seeped into every single moment of her life
From the makings and the form of her own body
To how she saw herself and her kinships
And every day she wanders


In her mind
Wonders of the memories
The Questioning
Of the wounds that remained
Of the aching left behind
Of who she was…

I simply recorded it

The book, Bittersweet woman, written by M. J. Smith, is a poetic memoir, the first of many to come.
The theme dictates the passage of a woman whose trauma marked her identity.
Through poetry and prose, she expresses the yearnings of a lost childhood and forgotten love,
and poignantly illustrates this question: what are the remains of life after the taste of bittersweet?

To my reader, Thank you.

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